Amy Higgins Design



This application concept was created as a part of an innovation challenge at Gannett. We had a team of visual designers, UX designers, developers, and project managers.

The MOUSE app enables fans to easily discover and listen to artists playing at local venues. We then go one step further, encouraging ticket purchases with a variety of exclusive venue- and band-driven rewards. MOUSE users are 'Social Activators' - those music fans in everyone's social circle who are always finding the coolest new artists and constantly motivating friends to join them in seeing live shows. MOUSE puts the power of targeted promotions in the hands of venues and musicians.

This mobile application concept was created with Art Direction by Corey Greeneltch and Olga Norwood and UX Collaboration with Lauren Stearns.

Tools/Skills Used

  • Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Wireframing/Sketching
  • Visual Design
  • Sketch
  • Invision


I created these personas as example users of our app. The personas were created after conducting research and interviews. The research included surveys and gorilla user testing. We found our main users were age 18-35 and fit into 4 user types:
The Planner Parent, The Music Guru, The Social Activator, and The Music Newbie.

persona2 persona3 persona4 persona5

After many stages of gorilla user testing and creation of personas, myself and the rest of the team began working on creating wireframes and beginning visual design of the application. While creating the visual design components we also finalized our business plan and pitch deck.
